
Shanxi High Court Certifies 79 “Clean Government Supervisors”

山西高院聘请79名廉政监督员 监督法院审判工作

Xinhua News, 2009-07-28

To promote “honesty and fairness” in the local judicial system, the Shanxi Provincial High Court approved 79 people to act as “clean government supervisors.” The “supervisors”—chosen from people's congresses, political consultative committees, “relevant government departments,” the media and “other fields”—will have the power to “inspect, consult and advice” a wide range of judicial activities. In “major cases and cases with a relatively large social impact,” the supervisors “can” supervise the entire process from the case filing, adjudication and execution. All instances of “bribe seeking, bribe accepting and perversions of justice” are to be reported to the appropriate procuratorate.

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