
Reporter Accused of Bribe-Taking Pleads Not Guilty


Beijing News, 2009-05-14

Former reporter and Beijing bureau chief for Shanghai-based First Finance and Economics, Fu Hua, pleaded not guilty to criminal bribe-taking charges in Beijing's Chaoyang Court. Fu admitted to accepting 15,000RMB in connection with two expose articles on construction quality issues at an airport in Jilin Province but claimed he used the money for 'interviewing expenses” and violated only journalism ethics, not criminal law. Jilin police detained Fu in June 2007, two years after the articles had been published, and two months after his primary source, of both information and money, had been detained on suspicion of mafia-related activity. After detaining Fu for 28 days, Jilin police released him on bail and transferred his case to the Chaoyang (Beijing) Procuratorate, which formally indicted him in March 2008—fourteen months before his 13 May 2009, public trial. Fu has written a book about his experiences in detention and under police investigation.

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