
Beijing to Discontinue Execution by Shooting and Use Lethal Injection Only


The Beijing News, 2009-06-16

By the end of 2009, Beijing is to become one of the few areas in China to use only lethal injection in conducting executions. Since the first use of lethal injection in China in 1997, courts in jurisdictions with the requisite equipment and trained personnel have had the choice between executing defendants by shooting or lethal injection. This has led to suspicions that “lethal injection is used more on corrupt officials” and courts “pick the method of execution based on the level of popular anger against the criminal.” To establish a timetable for discontinuing execution by shooting nationwide, funding and planning by the central government is necessary; the Supreme People's Court also needs to issue normative documents to “further improve procedural guarantees and ensure that the humane reform of capital punishment can be realized in every single case.”

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